Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Take Care of Your Prostrate Gland

Prostate gland is a firm mascular walnut sized gland in males at the neck of urethra or just below the bladder that produces a viscid secretion (fluid part of semen) and this secretion keeps the lining of the urethra moist. The very word prostate came from the Greek word "prostates" which means "one who stands before", "protector", "guardian". Prostate gland grows larger with age and the older the man get prostate problem arises. Prostatitis, enlargement, and cancer are the three most common problems.

Prostatitis means irritation or inflammation in prostate. It can be caused suddenly and keeps going away and coming back. Most the men under 50 suffer from prostatitis.

Prostate enlargement
Enlargement also called benign prostatic hyperplasia is that condition in which the urethra squeezes as the prostate grows. It occurs in 43% of men over the age of 50.

Prostate cancer
Prostate cancer is a form of cancer that develops in prostate.Cancer is the second most common form of cancer that affects in men. Older men over 60 mostly felt victim for prostate cancer.

Common symptoms of prostate problems
Fever and chills
Abdominal or lower back pain
Blood in urine
Pain and burning while urinating and ejaculation
Strong and frequent urge to urinate, but only being able to pass small amounts of urine
difficulty in maintaining the constant flow of urine
dripping at the end of urination
Symptoms of prostate cancer (when the cancer is advanced) apart from the above common symptoms of prostate problems and are:
Pain in bone, often in spine, pelvis, ribs and proximal part of the femur
Leg weakness
Urinary incontinence
Fecal incontinence
Risk factors for prostate cancer
Age - 50 years and above
Family history - having a brother, son, or father who had prostate cancer
Diet - consumption of diet high in fat
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

For further details, check http://www.prostofine.biz

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