Saturday, 17 December 2011

Bible Stories - God Made Man

God saw that the world He had created was beautiful and good, it was filled with living creatures, but there was no one whom He could love or who could love Him back. God loved the animals he had made and they loved Him but they are not made with living souls. The animals could not talk with God nor understand His ways.  

God wanted someone to love - someone like Himself. Genesis 1:26 says, "And God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness." It was as if God the Father said this to God the Son as they worked together. So God made man as He wanted every man to be, like Himself, in His image.  

As God is a Trinity, so He made man a trinity. God is a Spirit without a body. The animals have bodies without having living souls. When an animal dies that is the end of it. Man was made body, spirit and soul. Through his body he can live here on earth. Through his spirit God could live in him and take charge of him. Through his living soul he can live forever.  

When a person dies, his soul leaves his body, but it does not die. It will live forever. God's own life was breathed into man's spirit. He named this first man Adam. He was created as a man, not as a little baby, for there would not have been anyone to look after him. Because God's life filled his spirit, everything he did was right and good and pure.  

In all this beautiful world which God had made, Adam was the only living person. He was not alone for every day God came and talked with him. God loved Adam, and Adam loved God. Because God loved Adam so much, He knew that he must be lonely with no other human person to talk to or to love. He said, "It is not good for man to be alone. I will make a helpmate for him."  

He caused Adam to fall into a very sound sleep. While he was sleeping, God took out one of his ribs, and then closed the place in his body where he had taken it from. From that rib God made a woman and brought her to Adam. She, too, was made in God's image as a living soul, with a spirit in which God's Spirit lived.  

Adam must have been very pleased and happy. This was another beginning, that of marriage and the first home. This was all part of Gods plan. His Word said, "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh." It is God's plan that a husband and wife should stay together and love each other, even more than they love their parents or any other person.

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